06.11.10~poo catcher, nightshade, & huggy jacket

I love this huggy jacket!

Just got out of the Padded Room and took my straightjacket off…now back to life, back to reality, back to the here and now….

Have the master bathroom clogged…waiting for  the bathroom fixer guy to come and unclog it…I am also getting hungry…and realizing that I am talking about the poo catcher and food….

Starting a new line to talk about food…I am hungry, I need food….what to eat? Need to send the boys to the pool….I also have my book to get to, it is getting good…it is Nightshade by John Saul…I had not read anything by him in quite a while….


Time to de-fur ~

Today I will wield a razor to my legs, I have been sporting a most natural and unattractive look that is quite hairy, I will proceed to de-fur myself and will once again have smooth if somewhat ashy legs, ashy due to lotion making me itch lately….thankfully I’m past the stage where I give a crap if anyone else notices. I’m not planning on having my legs on display anyway so all will be well, I have contemplated going all natural, but then when I get to where I have to de-fur it gets to be a hair clogging mess….and I’ve had more than my fair share of battles with clogs. Maybe if I buy that snake thingy I’ve seen advertised on TV…sheesh, whaz up with me, I’m going to have to cut back on the telly….well I’m off to go park the carcass in front of the boob tube…I’ll be sure to steer clear of the infomercials.

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