A lighter load~

I got some of my to do’s accomplished today, yay! We (Boy # 3 and I) moved the 2 bookcases back into the front room. Moved one small table and 2 bar stools back to the other living area, shook some rugs, vacuumed, swept (still need to mop) went through my books and got rid of 45 books I’ve read and didn’t plan on keeping. I also got another freecycler call me on some books so went to pick those up. Cleaned out the bonus room, plugged in my treadmill and got on it to make sure it still works, it does, I was going to get rid of it, but I decided to keep it. I also got around to hanging some stuff on the walls, note to self, need a stud finder. (Not a 2 legged stud, have no use for those.)

Dropped boy # 2 off at the mall, then picked up a Subway foot long for Boy # 3 and myself. I feel like a cow, as I should, after eating half of that I grabbed my bucket of Creamy Creations Butter Pecan and indulged.

Men ~ Take note

Boy # 3 and I then vegetated and watched VH1’s Undateable. I believe I will have Boy # 2 watch all 5 hours of it so that he can learn some of that stuff that turns women off and make men complete douchebags.

I also had Boy # 3 pick up fallen tree limbs and help with other clean up stuff.

Rid myself of a couple of folding chairs and a bag of Kingsford Charcoal, should’ve thrown in the lighter fluid too…..I’m sure tomorrow I will have other stuff rounded up for freecycle. I want a small patio set for my front porch….better not focus on wants, those cost money I don’t have, because my crippled ass ain’t got no J-O-B…

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