Writing under the influence, be thankful I’m not out and about~

Loneliness can kill ya~

Which isn’t entirely a bad thing…I mean if you are like me a pathetically bitchy person…than what is the point of prolonging the misery you impose on others…sheesh….I swear there is sarcasm in here….if you don’t know me you will probably find it as opposed to those that do know me…they will not have a clue.

Studies show that women primarily are afflicted with heart disease due to being lonely…something about stressing about being alone. Hmmm…that’s crazy talk…okay so I have been in relationships before, not just like the boy/girl kind…but like the familial as well as the friendship types….and I have felt more alone when I was surrounded by people than when I have been alone….so anyway…this post will make absolutely no sense, I am heavily medicated at this time, I’m also tired, sleepy and bitchy and cranky. But lonely, no at this point in my life I am not lonely, I am learning to keep myself company, and I quite like me, yes I know I bitch and whine quite a bit, but hey that is just me, like it or not…don’t like it, delete me, don’t read me, don’t follow me, not here or there or anywhere, stay away from me, close the door, walk away, basically do whatever you need to do to stay unaffected. Such a simple concept….I have so much going on for such a crippled invalid, and I want more to be going on, I just have to figure it all out. So no, I am not lonely, but at times I do feel alone…but again that is not a bad thing…hmmm, am I trying to convince myself or you?

Whatever kills me, it won’t be loneliness….

Tic toc goes the clock~

In about 4 hours I’ll be waking up my boys, all 3 of them…and I’ll be sending them all out the door.

B goes back to work to earn some back to school money; he will go back to college early next year.

D will be a freshman, he will need to walk to the bus stop he has a 4 or 5 block walk, and he is so ready to start his high school days…

And my baby A…7th grade…he is also looking forward to going back to school.

Having the 2 younger boys ready to go back to school makes it easier on me. I don’t anticipate I’ll be getting any sleep tonight, if I’m up for it I’ll fix them breakfast, if not I guess cold cereal will have to do.

Having B back will be a big help, I can have him take his brothers after school and pick up any essential supplies they need.

I will have the house all to myself; I’m hoping that after I see them all out the door I will be able to get some sleep. I just hope I won’t have anything come up where I will need to leave the house.

Work it~

The Center for Disease Control has issued a medical alert about a highly contagious, potentially dangerous virus that is transmitted orally, by hand, and even electronically.  
This virus is called Weekly Overload Recreational Killer (WORK)
If you receive WORK from your boss, any of your colleagues or anyone else via any means whatsoever – DO NOT TOUCH IT!!!  This virus will wipe out your private life entirely.  If you should come into contact with WORK you should immediately leave the premises.

Take two good friends to the nearest liquor store and purchase one or both of the antidotes – Work Isolating Neutralizer Extract (WINE) and Bothersome Employer Elimination Rebooter (BEER).  Take the antidote repeatedly until WORK has been completely eliminated from your system.

You should immediately forward this medical alert to five friends.  If you do not have five friends, you have already been infected and WORK is controlling your life.

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